Methodological training - e-learning development
Κατηγορία μαθήματοςUnder preparation courses
Διδάσκων: András Bartha, Jeno Csaki, Roland Dankó, Róbert Farkas, Zsolt Kovács, Tamas Toth, Nagymihaly Zoltan
Handling of electronic and traditional container seals of different seal makers and seal types
Κατηγορία μαθήματοςUnder preparation courses
Diagnostic study
Κατηγορία μαθήματοςUnder preparation courses
Objectives of the BCP Diagnostic study
- to explore how the BCP could function in the most effective and efficient way in all 6 areas (risk management, operational controls, equipment, co-operation, training and evaluation);
- to explore best/good practices;
- to assist border crossing points in moving towards more equivalent performance at the external border.
Equipment used for customs control
Κατηγορία μαθήματοςUnder preparation courses
- The main objective of this training is to spread common approach in
using equipment and tools when performing customs control at the EU
external border by sharing working examples, best practises and methods.
Διδάσκων: George Bucnaru
Profiling and interviewing
Κατηγορία μαθήματοςUnder preparation courses
- To identify, develop, share and apply best working practices and administrative procedures in the field of people profiling.
- To reinforce the skills and competences of customs officials.
- To increase safety and security, protect citizens and the environment.
Διδάσκων: George Bucnaru
Goods control
Κατηγορία μαθήματοςUnder preparation courses
- To identify, develop, share and apply best working practices and administrative procedures.
- To reinforce the skills and competences of customs officials.
- To improve administrative capacity of the customs authority.
- To increase safety and security, protect citizens and the environment.
Διδάσκων: George Bucnaru
Detection/recognition of drugs/illegal medication
Κατηγορία μαθήματοςUnder preparation courses
- To spread common approach in detection and/or recognition of drugs and/or illegal medications at the EU external border by sharing working examples, best practises and methods.
- To reinforce the skills and competences of customs officials.
- To increase safety and security, protect citizens and the environment.
Διδάσκων: George Bucnaru
Risk Analysis
Κατηγορία μαθήματοςUnder preparation courses
- To improve overall knowledge of exploited database repositories which can be used to data exchange within customs administrations of MS and risk assessment process as well.
- To increase safety and security, protect citizens and the environment.
Διδάσκων: George Bucnaru