Car search
- In Finnish customs developing the old training system started in 2015
- Inorder to modernise the knowledge several car importers in Finland wre contacted
- After very positive discussions 12 officers was trained by 5 different importers. The training was build after on our interest and our need
- There were altogether 5 sessions, each one took 1-2 days
- At the moment We are going to update these trainings
- In 2016 it was started to give national trainings all over the customs, BCP’s and harbours as well our mobile groups
- National trainings are still going on
- There are around 400 officers which have to be trained
- After many EU countries showed their interest, giving training to other EU member states started in June 2017
- Training sessions have a big success
- Applications to the training events have groved
- It is in mind that the trainers have also to be trained
- The focus in trainings are the car structure and safety
- The trainers has a certificate to work with hybrid and electricity cars, that is a one day training
- Customs officers are really satisfied with the training and they think that it helps a lot with their work